Thanks for this read. The CDN seems like a vital part of the process. I’ll need to read up and learn about how those work. Lord knows I have enough domains to set up on.

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The CDN is critical .... without it, disk usage would be absolutely overwhelmed. Amazon AWS is a bit of a dogs breakfast to learn, but once there well worth it. Someone else mentioned they were using Bunny.net which seems to interact with AWS. https://support.bunny.net/hc/en-us/articles/360000335451-How-to-speed-up-your-Amazon-S3-file-delivery-with-BunnyCDN ---Ignore the bit about thousands in costs since AWS is dirt cheap for small use

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Thanks! I’ll check them both out. I’ve also seen that Cloudflare has a free CDN which seems like a good option. I imagine I can set up the same CDN to manage both Mastodon and my website. Keep things simple.

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